what is online life coaching

What is online life coaching and its benefits

6 key benefits of online life coaching

So, what is online life coaching and what are the real benefits? As a consequence of Covid-19 and the constant lockdowns, many services that were previously available in-person are now available online. Hiring a life coach is one of them, and despite its many benefits, some people still worry that it might not be as effective as they would like. But is this the case? In this article, I will present you with six reasons why I think that online coaching can be ideal for you.

1. Book your appointment at your convenience
First of all, it is much simpler to visit an online booking form, view the available slots and select one that corresponds to your needs. You and your life coach don’t need to keep calling each other to schedule meetings. Fast, reliable, hassle-free!

2. No need to commute. Stay at the comfort of your home
This will be the most important reason for most people. You no longer have to drive, take public transportation, wait in traffic jams, or activate your GPS to get to your life coach. All you have to do is turn on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone. Not to mentiont that you are in the comfort of your home: you can lounge on your comfy sofa or favourite armchair, sit in the kitchen, or even outside in the garden and enjoy the sushine during your coaching sessions. Everything you’ll need is nearby: grab your coffee, your favourite beverage or water from the fridge, and let’s be honest, sometimes it’s comforting to know the loo is just around the corner (if you do drink lots of water!). Even if you are worried about the mess in your living room, Zoom’s brilliant blur feature will make sure that you are the sole focus.

3. Go international! Get access to some of the best life coaches out there!
Why limit yourself to your local life coaches? Several international life coaches are available on all continents, some of whom may be the perfect match for you. It is a great privilege to be able to access professionals around the world and the best part is that some of them may even charge less than you think!

4. Get the chance to meet your coach before you commit to a program.
The title says it all. Some online coaches (like me) provide free Zoom sessions where you can meet each other, discuss your issue, and see if you are a good match. The visual element of life coaching, for example, is often overlooked by a simple phone call. Fortunately, now you can actually see your life coach and interact with them through a webcam from the comfort of your home before you make up your mind.

5. The accessibility factor: Carry on your sessions wherever you are (even on holiday!)
Let’s assume you need to travel for business or that you are just going away for fun. There’s no need to cancel or postpone your sessions: they can even be running while you’re on a weekend break. The only requirement is that you have a phone and a good internet connection!

6. Conveniently share documents and worksheets.
Life coaching requires you to sign a contract, among other documents, and some sessions will include worksheets or homework that need to be completed. We, coaches, often receive telephone calls or emails from clients apologizing for having misplaced these items. Now, this is no longer an issue: all your documents and homework will either be emailed to you, or you will be provided with a link to access them online. In any case, the entire procedure is faster, more convenient, you don’t have to worry about losing things, and, last but not least, it’s even greener!

So why wait? The benefits of having an online life coach are many! If you have already decided that the issue you’re dealing with can no longer wait, or that it’s time you took your life into your own hands and followed your passion, visit my packages and schedule a free consultation call on Zoom.

Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

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